Law Offices of Scott J Bloch, P.A.

“Justice delayed is justice denied”

1025 Connecticut Ave, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
P: (202) 496-1290
F: (202) 478-0479

                                                                                              When what you need is results

You need a tough, ethical champion who has taken on large institutions and wins. At the law offices of Scott J. Bloch, PA, you will obtain representation from a tough advocate who has taken on big government and won, taken on big corporations and won, and helped his clients to realize their goals of obtaining justice and making a difference.

Like this recent case of the DC Circuit Court reversing the lower court, and permitting injured overseas workers to proceed with a civil suit against their employer for retaliatory discharge and breach of contract. See this Opinion of Court reversing state claims Sickle v Torres.

See this order of the EEOC Decision  20180109–Appeal Order EEO Class–Ramsey Tuaua et al. Certifying the Class of United States Marshal Service Detention Officers in the class action of Race, Age and Disability Discrimination.

See this Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court As filed Cert Petition Brink et al. v Continental Ins et al., filed by Bloch and collaborators, challenging the regime of courts that allow abuses of workers by insurance companies and government contractors to continue.

Also read this piece Bloch on Scandal of Mistreatment of Veterans Fighting for America as Contractors, Bloch on aviation safety on national whistleblower issues by Bloch, addressing his role in overcoming odds, or this piece Washington Times Bloch Editorial on Hatch Act Report reflecting how he combated partisanship in national decision making.  He appeared internationally in the documentary “Fogotten Heroes” about the plight of contractors abroad who are injured and mistreated by the contracting companies and insurance companies.

Whether it involves federal agency or government contracting issues, consumer fraud, whistleblower disclosures, personal injury, or defense base injuries or contract disputes, you need an effective advocate with a proven record of achievement to combat the challenges to obtaining justice in an increasingly complex world.  With his collaborations with other accomplished attorneys, he brings national resources to achieving your goals.  He is representing individuals in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Kosovo (see Kosovo DBA, see this link, in English and Albanian), Macedonia, and elsewhere.

Here are some recent results.  These may not reflect the most current legal developments or rules, verdicts, results, or settlements, and they are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. In addition, prior results in one case do not guarantee a similar outcome in another case.

  • $2 million plus award for victim of explosion in Iraq
  • Settled injuries of partial amputee security contractor from South Africa for $1,400,000
  • Settled injuries of contractor who lost his foot in IED for $750,000
  • Settled for $1 million plus for security contractor in Afghanistan involved in explosion, physical and psychological injuries
  • $820,000 for security contractor with PTSD and physical injuries
  • Settled PTSD and physical injuries claims of Iraq linguist for $650,000
  • 1.8 million plus award for PTSD and TBI on behalf of decorated veteran who worked for contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • $1.5 million plus award for victim of IED explosion
  • $1 million plus award for contractor in Iraq suffering from PTSD
  • Obtained death benefits for widow in Iraq contractor suicide case, go here to read more
  • Settled PTSD and physical injuries for personal security detail worker in Iraq for total over $900,000
  • Obtained award of $2,000,000 in case of firefighters back wages for work for Wackenhut in Iraq, go here to read more
  • Obtained $1,000,000 in overall benefits for widow whose husband died in Iraq after recent award and then subsequent settlement
  • Got military service member job he was denied plus back pay under USERRA because of discrimination due to his reserve duty
  • Settled action against large defense contractor for assault with vehicles on two persons working in Afghanistan, undisclosed amount
  • Obtained $700,000 for contractor with multiple injuries in Iraq
  • Settled discrimination case for contractor working overseas, confidential amount
  • Settled PTSD and physical injuries claims of Iraq security team member for $800,000
  • Obtained award from judge for Permanent Total Disability for contractor in South Africa, read here: MANUEL_ ADRIANO N v DYNCORP TECHNICAL SE 2014LDA00625 (MAY 20 2015) 111022 CADEC SD
  • Settled for children of pilot killed in Afghanistan by suicide bomber for over $700,000
  • Settled PTSD and physical injury claims for KBR trucker for $475,000
  • Settled claim recently for dental injuries for over $500,000 total
  • Settle action for breach of contract and fraud for aviation mechanics misled as to qualifications required for job for 9 plaintiffs
  • Filed a class action for $2 billion against top government contractors on behalf of injured employees worldwide, go here to read more
  • Filed action against large law firm seeking over $50 million in damages for improper billing practices, go here to read more
  • Filed $500 million qui tam whistleblower action against major defense contractor for overbilling government and fictitious services, under seal currently in federal court
  • Filed a PRESS RELEASE Suit against Xe Blackwater for in excess of $240,000,000 on behalf of former employees in Iraq and Afghanistan who were misclassified as independent contractors (See reporting on suit here)
  • Filed national class action for WSI firefighters for lost wages and fraud, obtained interim award for first set of firefighters, remaining class action pending
  • Filed action against national nursing home chain for sexual abuse and fraudulent acts,
  • Settled class action for overtime against major food service company
  • National class action settlement valued at $300 million, In re Dex Cool against General Motors
  • $1 million plus settlement over the life of an injured party
  • $1.5 million award for victim of exposure to repeated trauma
  • Initiated national class action on behalf of law enforcement officers against a federal agency for race, age and disability discrimination, obtained preliminary class certification
  • Obtained several hundred thousand dollar arbitration settlement for executive forced out of his firm for opposing improper contracting practices
  • Obtained over two hundred thousand for legal malpractice for individual
  • Obtained results recently for a party deprived of payments under a government contract
  • Obtained consumer settlement for defective automobile against dealership
  • Obtained settlement for employee discriminated against in a federal agency
  • Wrongful death settlement against surgeon for failure to resuscitate patient

With background in complex litigation and advising, as well as leadership in government, our lawyers can provide reasoned, rounded advice, and when you have to go the distance – they are super lawyers who win in catastrophic injury, class action, financial fraud, employment discrimination, unfair competition, trade secret and intellectual property matters, government investigations, whistleblower claims, and government contracts and contracts disputes.

Scott Bloch met with the Mayor, Agim Aliu, of Ferizaj, Kosovo, on a recent trip to the Balkans on May 13, 2019, where they discussed the relationship between the United States and Kosovo.  The Mayor thanked Scott for his dedication to helping the people there to achieve economic independence through his legal work.  The meeting was cordial and focused on the good that Bloch has been able to achieve for Kosovars who live in and around Ferizaj in getting their benefits under the Defense Base Act and providing many families with what they need to survive, and boosting the local economy in the process.  The mayor expressed that he was impressed with the level of commitment Bloch had shown to the citizens of Kosovo over many years in providing individuals and families with hope.  You may read more here:

                                                Message to Clients Regarding Improper Inducements from Attorneys or Translators 

There is some indication that attorneys in various countries or their translators or representatives are guaranteeing amounts of recovery, or taking a percentage of the recovery of clients, or loaning potential clients money and charging high interest rates to be repaid as part of undertaking the representation.  Please know that under the Defense Base Act, or 33 U.S.C. 928(e), it is a crime to offer you or have an agent of an attorney offer you compensation in exchange for giving you his case, or to take loans from an attorney with excessive rates of interest to repay at the end of the case, or to offer an attorney or that attorney’s translator a percentage of your case.  No person, whether an attorney, a translator or other representative, may receive payment for services of any kind for DBA cases unless they get approval for such payments from the Department of Labor.  If they do not obtain such approval from the Department of Labor, they are guilty of a crime under the above quoted statute.  There is also much talk that some attorneys or representatives are guaranteeing amounts that are completely false or unrealistic amounts, and disparaging other attorneys.   Attorneys are ethically bound not to suggest they can guarantee an amount of recovery or even assure you of a specific amount of recovery for your case, or to utilize unfair or unlawful methods of advertising to divert business from other attorneys.  Contingency fees of a percentage of recovery in DBA cases are strictly forbidden under the law.  If they do not obtain such approval from the Department of Labor, they are guilty of a crime under the above quoted statute.  If you are being given such inducements to use an attorney, you may report that attorney to United States Department of Labor, Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers, at this link:

See Scott Bloch giving speeches in Taiwan to groups concerned about the legal status of Taiwan as a nation, and its relationship to the United States.  Bloch spoke in Taiwan in a number of venues about the place of the whistleblower who delivers an unpopular message of corruption, abuse of power and illegal treatment of citizens and workers.  These are problems that people around the world are looking to the United States and its laws for guidance to remedy their internal problems.

See Scott Bloch on recent television program on the plight of contractors in Iraq.  Watch the segment here, linked in from defense base act blog:


The information on this website is presented for informational purposes only, and no legal or other professional advice or service is being rendered.  You should consult a licensed attorney if you have a specific situation requiring legal advice.  Prior results do not guarantee future outcomes. Case results vary dramatically depending on specific facts and circumstances.  Examples of results in cases above do not guarantee any specific results in any other case.